News Archive - 2020

Screening Reality

Screening Reality: How Documentary Filmmakers Re-imagined America, Jon Wilkman’s comprehensive book chronicling the history of documentaries, included a profile and discussion on Arthur Dong’s films that covered Asian American and LGBTQ stories. In her review of the book for Documentary Magazine, Cynthia Close notes: “The fearless portrayals of the LGTBQ community from Marlon T. Riggs and Arthur Dong are yet another example of the growing acceptance of certain subjects unheard of in the not-so-distant past.” Pictured below is a page from the book featuring Dong and cinematographer Stephen Lighthill on the set of Coming Out Under Fire.

Forbidden City, USA available in print, DVD & VOD

fc-book-and-dvd-ad_1“Put on some music from the 1930s and 1940s, and step into the intoxicating and magical world of the Chinese American nightclub scene. Enjoy!” –Lisa See

Forbidden City, USA reveals stories of sassy and daring entertainers from a golden era of Chinatown nightclubs in San Francisco Chinatown. Inspiring personal journeys and stunning images of Asian American performers who defied barriers to pursue showbiz dreams — now in print, VOD and DVD. Winner: the American Book Award.