News Archive - 2021

KTLA: Hollywood Chinese & Anna May Wong

KTLA TV Morning News featured Arthur Dong discussing his book Hollywood Chinese, Anna May Wong and his Hollywood Chinese exhibit at the Formosa Cafe. Watch the three mini-segments streaming online here.

“Hollywood Chinese” wins APAAL Award

The Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association, an affiliate of the American Library Association, has selected the winners of the 2020-2021 Asian/Pacific American Awards for Literature (APAAL). Hollywood Chinese: The Chinese in American Feature Films won the Honors Title Award in the adult nonfiction category. Click here to watch the awards ceremony. Click here to watch the post-awards chat with each author.

New Book-in-Development

American Book Award-winning author and Oscar®-nominated filmmaker Arthur Dong has begun work on his newest book Grandview Films: Cinematic Crossings with Joseph Sunn Jue (working title). This lushly illustrated publication will be Dong’s third in a trilogy of coffee table books that showcase the visual history and little-known stories of Chinese Americans in the arts.

Photo: On the set of The Twelve Wives (1937, Grandview Film Company). From left, actress Nancy Chan Wan-Seung, producer Joseph Sunn Jue, and actress Lam Mui-Mui.